WWU Classfinder Courses
Data license: MIT License · Data source: WWU Registrar (and those WWU Students that created it in 2003...)
name | sql | author_id |
22-23-catalog | select quarter || ' ' || year as term ,department ,course_number ,title ,instructor ,credits from courses where department = :department and (case :level when '500' then course_number like '5%%' when '400' then course_number like '4%%' when '300' then course_number like '3%%' when '200' then course_number like '2%%' when '100' then course_number like '1%%' else true end) and quarter||year in ('fall2022', 'winter2023', 'spring2023', 'summer2023') | mattmatt |
class_time_schedule | select department ,course_number ,title ,max(year) as last_offered ,group_concat(distinct quarter) as quarters_offered from courses where department = :department and (case :level when '500' then course_number like '5%%' when '400' then course_number like '4%%' when '300' then course_number like '3%%' when '200' then course_number like '2%%' when '100' then course_number like '1%%' else true end) and (case when :most_recently is not null then year >= :most_recently else true end) group by department ,course_number ,title | mattmatt |